Hire a Car Accident Attorney

If you have been in a serious car accident, the potential financial burdens can be just as overwhelming as the physical and emotional toll of severe trauma – even if the accident is someone else’s fault. A car accident attorney who works on a contingency fee basis can help you to obtain the compensation you deserve without you having to worry about how you will pay for the service. After a traumatic event when it may seem as if your entire world has turned upside-down, it’s one less thing to worry about.

What Is a Contingency Fee?

Most people cannot afford to keep a lawyer on retainer or even to hire one for an individual case – especially while they are dealing with the costs and possible loss of time at work in the wake of a collision. Fortunately, there’s an alternative.

If your car accident lawyer works on a contingency fee basis, they are not paid anything until you are compensated by the liable parties in your case. In this case, your risk is practically non-existent, especially if you visit a car accident attorney like Danny Russell who offers free consultations. You have nothing to lose and there’s a good chance that legal representation can improve your financial future.

If You’ve Been in a Car Accident, the Russell Law Firm, LLC LLC Can Help

Mr. Russell has been in your shoes. He understands the difficulties surrounding vehicle collisions as well as the tricks insurance companies use to deny victims justice.

For more information, visit our contact page or call the number below!


By: Danny Russell, Esq.
Information furnished herein is only general and not a substitute for personalized legal advice. ****The photograph above is not a depiction of any actual event or scene, but merely a dramatization.

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