Our Blogs

Compensation for Personal Injury Claims

Following a car accident, many people ask me about what types of compensation are available for their personal injury claims. While every single case is a bit different, an experienced

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Louisiana Hardship License

What is a Louisiana Hardship License? If you are convicted of drunk driving in Louisiana, the penalties can be very serious. For many people, however, it is not spending a

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Why You Need Fierce & Skilled Representation by a DWI Lawyer After a DWI Arrest

Skilled Representation by a DWI Lawyer After a DWI Arrest A DWI is a serious offense that can threaten your livelihood, reputation, and freedom, so it's important to hire an

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Your Right to Remain Silent During a DWI Stop

Louisiana DWI Stop - Your Right to Remain Silent Police officers sporting body cameras on their uniforms are becoming widespread throughout Louisiana. The cameras are typically attached to an officer's

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“Chain Reaction” Car Accidents: Who’s at Fault?

What are “Chain Reaction Car Accidents? A "chain reaction car accident" occurs when three or more vehicles hit one another in a series of rear-end collisions that are caused primarily

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Danny Russell Named a TOP 10 BEST Personal Injury Attorney for Louisiana by American Institute Of Legal Counsel

TOP 10 Best Personal Injury Attorneys for Louisiana by American Institute Of Legal Counsel The American Institute of Legal Counsel has named Danny Russell a Top 10 Best Personal Injury

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